Why Choose South Trail Kia
Why Choose South Trail Kia
Buying a new Kia should be fun, not stressful. But, thanks to so many great choices, shoppers often find the process overwhelming. Not only do they need to choose the model, colour, and trim for their next Kia, new car buyers also need to choose the right dealer. For Calgary residents, the friendly and knowledgeable sales team, and highly skilled service staff makes South Trail Kia the clear choice. Other great reasons to choose South Trail Kia include:
They're the Newest and Largest Kia Dealer in Western Canada
South Trail Kia is not only the newest dealership in western Canada; they are also the largest, with over one-hundred and thirty new vehicles in stock and ready to go. Find a brand new Kia in the comfort of their gorgeous modern showroom. Why wait weeks or even months for a new vehicle when South Trail Kia has brand new vehicles ready to drive home today.
They Offer Financing for Every Situation and Budget
Their experienced finance team works with over fifteen different lenders. They offer great deals on financing for every budget or situation. A no obligation pre-approval process makes it simple to apply online or in person. South Trail Kia's online payment estimator helps buyers quickly decide which Kia best fits their budget and lifestyle. Whether they have good credit, no credit, are students, divorced, or new to Canada, South Trail Kia can help get everyone into the car of their dreams.
Every New Vehicle Comes with a Five Year Comprehensive Warranty
Kia owners have the peace of mind to drive as far as they want, as much as they want. Every new vehicle sold by South Trail Kia comes with a comprehensive five-year warranty.
Their Waiting Area has a Unique Play Area for the Kids
Nobody enjoys waiting, especially the kids. A clean, comfortable, and modern waiting area make it easy to relax and read the paper or get a little work done on the tablet. Touchscreen games, toys, and free Wi-Fi keep the little ones occupied and out of trouble.
South Trail Kia has a Huge Service Department
A highly trained team of expert mechanics and more than twenty service bays guarantee fast service and quality work. South Trail Kia also offers shuttle service when waiting isn't desired or practical. They also have the only drive-thru service area in all of Calgary.
No English, No Problem
Buyers feel right at home and get their best deal in the language they understand best. Along with English, South Trail Kia has representatives who speak Korean, Japanese, Portuguese, Tagalog, Romanian, Chinese and several other languages as well.
Shoppers still need to decide on which Kia to drive home, in which trim, and in what colour. But, thanks to their friendly sales team, and expert service staff, Calgary buyers always choose South Trail Kia.